International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations

The International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms, and Broadcasting Organizations is a crucial treaty that safeguards the rights of these groups against unauthorized use and exploitation of their works. Adopted on October 26, 1961, the Convention provides a comprehensive framework to protect the interests of performers, phonogram producers, and broadcasting organizations.

General Description for Armenia
For Armenia, the Convention holds significant importance in protecting its cultural and creative industries. The country, rich in cultural heritage and artistic talent, benefits from the Convention’s provisions in several key ways:

Performers’ Rights
Armenian performers, including actors, musicians, dancers, and other artists, are granted rights over their performances. This includes the right to authorize or prohibit the broadcasting, recording, and reproduction of their performances. This protection ensures that Armenian performers can control the use of their works and receive appropriate compensation.

Producers of Phonograms’ Rights
Producers of phonograms in Armenia, who invest in creating sound recordings, are provided with exclusive rights to authorize or prohibit the reproduction, distribution, and rental of their phonograms. This safeguards their investments and helps prevent unauthorized copying and distribution, enabling them to monetize their creative works effectively.

Broadcasting Organizations’ Rights
Armenian broadcasting organizations are granted rights to control the rebroadcasting, fixation, and reproduction of their broadcasts. This ensures that broadcasters can maintain control over their content and receive fair remuneration for its use.

Implementation and Impact
The Rome Convention requires Armenia to provide national treatment, meaning that the protection accorded to Armenian performers, producers, and broadcasters must be equivalent to that provided to nationals of other Contracting States. This promotes fairness and reciprocity in international cultural exchanges.

By adhering to the Convention, Armenia not only protects its own cultural and creative outputs but also contributes to the global effort to safeguard intellectual property rights in the performing arts and broadcasting sectors. This adherence promotes the growth of Armenia’s creative industries, supports economic development, and preserves the country’s rich cultural heritage in the global market.

Կատարողների, հնչյունագրեր արտադրողների և հեռարձակող կազմակերպությունների պահպանության մասին միջազգային կոնվենցիա

Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility, International Cultural Relations
European Union
Performing Arts, Copyright, illegal actions, Cultural Heritage, creative industries, Intellectual Property Rights
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