Uredba o nepremični kulturni dediščini (Decree on Immovable Cultural Heritage) (ZDen)

1. Legal Framework
Pravni režimi varstva dediščine: The legal regime for heritage protection is established through registration in the Register kulturne dediščine (Cultural Heritage Register). However, registration alone does not confer a protection regime. Specific protection is defined through other procedures, such as designation as a cultural monument or inclusion in spatial plans. The Cultural Heritage Protection Act (Zakon o varstvu kulturne dediščine, ZVKD-1) is the principal law regulating these activities.
2. Cultural Monuments
Cultural Monuments: Monuments of national significance are declared by the government, while local monuments are designated by municipal authorities. Both the state and municipalities have preemptive rights on cultural monuments and certain properties within their influence zones.
3. Archaeological Heritage
Arheološke ostaline: Archaeological remains, both movable and immovable, are strictly regulated. Any discovery must be reported to the Zavod za varstvo kulturne dediščine Slovenije (Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia), and unauthorized searches or removals are prohibited.
4. Financial Support
Financiranje varstva nepremične kulturne dediščine: The state allocates funds from its budget for various purposes, including:
Co-financing of conservation projects.
Emergency measures for endangered heritage.
Maintenance and restoration of state-owned monuments.
Preliminary archaeological research for housing and other projects.
5. Integration with Sustainable Development
Obnova in oživljanje kulturne dediščine: The document emphasizes the environmental benefits of restoring and revitalizing cultural heritage buildings. Restoring these buildings can lead to significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions compared to demolition and new construction.
6. Renewable Energy Integration
Umeščanje sistemov obnovljivih virov energije: Guidelines are provided for integrating renewable energy systems into cultural heritage buildings, with an emphasis on solar energy, to balance preservation with modern energy needs.

Green Transition, Heritage Preservation
Government of Slovenia
Green, Environment Protection, Cultural Heritage Buildings, Heritage Preservation, Safeguarding, cultural heritage management
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