Policy Profile Moldova


The Republic of Moldova is not a member state of the European Union, but is a candidate country for membership. It is not obliged to follow all EU directives, laws, regulations and policies.

Moldova, the EU and Europe

The European Commission maintains a Delegation to Moldova in Chișinău. The Moldovan Government has a Mission to the European Union in Brussels. 

With the objective of bringing Moldova closer to the EU, both the EU and Moldova cooperate in the framework of the European Neighbourhood Policy and its eastern regional dimension, the Eastern Partnership.

National Cultural Policy in Moldova

At national level, cultural policy in Moldova is directed by Guvernul Republicii Moldova (Government of the Republic of Moldova) through the Ministerul Culturii (Ministry of Culture), the chief ministry with responsibility for culture. As the Government pursues a strategy for closer European cooperation, culture will play a role in this and with the aim of increasing access to culture, and valorising heritage. 

As the central administrative body for cultural policy in Moldova, there are subordinate institutions under its jurisdiction that implement the Ministries policies, including concert halls, museums, libraries and other agencies and centres. Similarly, various councils and commissions operate under the jurisdiction of the Ministry with responsibility for historical monuments, intangible heritage, archaeology, tourism and the import and export of heritage. 

Regional Policies in Moldova

Across Moldova, there are various regional district offices, municipal departments or directorates of culture that work to develop local and traditional heritage and implement programmes, including managing regional museums, libraries, galleries and the country’s network of Houses of Culture. Owing to its centralised nature of decision making, these offices and departments all report to the Ministry. 

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* = This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence

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