Lege pentru modificarea Legii monumentelor de for public nr. 192/2011

This law focuses on the amendments proposed by the Ministry of Culture in Moldova to the Law on Public Monuments. The primary objective of the proposed modifications is to provide a legal framework that safeguards and preserves public monuments of cultural significance.

The document outlines the key elements of the legislation, including the degree of compatibility required for projects intended to harmonize national laws with European Union regulations. The proposed legislation encourages the responsible use of public funds in heritage protection, including the regulation and approval process for new developments.

Some of the significant proposals include a modification to Article 7 of the Law on Public Monuments, which requires that monuments of public importance can only be erected by the decision of the regional council – a proposal that is sure to generate lively debate. Additionally, the document proposes that the duty to inspect the monuments for illegal actions falls within the remit of the Agency for the Inspection of Monuments.

The document further outlines the financial impact of the proposed legislation, concluding that there will be no significant expenditure required from the state budget. The document also makes a point to emphasise the levels of transparency and public consultation that underpin the development of such legislation.

Overall, this PDF file presents readers with a clear and concise overview of the proposed amendments to the existing Law on Public Monuments in Moldova. The proposals are significant and could have a far-reaching impact on the protection of cultural heritage. While there are some controversial topics that are bound to spark debate, it is our collective responsibility to ensure the preservation of these cultural treasures for future generations.

Heritage Preservation
Government of the Republic of Moldova
Monuments, Safeguarding, Cultural Heritage Preservation, Regional Development, local community, Heritage Protection
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