Lege Nr. 285 din 06-10-2022 pentru modificarea Legii nr. 280/2011 privind protejarea patrimoniului cultural național mobil

In Moldova, cultural heritage is protected by law. The Cultural Heritage Law is designed to safeguard the country’s movable and immovable cultural heritage. The purpose of this law is to provide proper management, protection, and conservation methods for national heritage. The law defines the legal framework for the safeguarding of different categories of cultural heritage, including historical sites, architectural landmarks, and other significant cultural artefacts.

The law includes several revisions, with the latest one being passed in 2018. The revisions introduce more detailed procedures for the classification, inventorying, and cataloguing of cultural heritage objects. In addition, the new regulation provides for more effective monitoring and reporting of heritage objects that are endangered.

The law establishes several levels of classified heritage, including National Heritage, Local Heritage, and Commemorative Heritage. It defines categories for those objects that cannot be classified but nonetheless carry cultural value and significance to the nation. The category “Patrimoniul mobil comun” was added under the law’s latest revision. This category includes “common pattern” cultural objects, executed in large series, such as paintings, sculptures, or ceramics, without special significance.

The law places cultural heritage management under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Culture’s Service for the Registry and Circulation of Movable Heritage. The law defines the competencies and powers of this institution, which is responsible for overseeing and controlling the circulation of cultural heritage objects, including the export or import of heritage objects.

The Cultural Heritage Law in Moldova provides a robust legal framework for the effective preservation, conservation, and management of cultural heritage. Its various revisions have helped ensure the continued protection of Romania’s rich cultural heritage. Overall, the law’s provisions require increased attention and awareness from heritage professionals, enthusiasts, and decision-makers to ensure the preservation of Moldova’s cultural heritage for future generations.

Heritage Preservation
Government of the Republic of Moldova
Legislation, Movable heritage, cultural heritage protection, Local Heritage, Culture Preservation, Cultural Heritage Preservation
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