Lege Nr. 12 din 01-02-2024 privind Fondul național al culturii

A new law recently published in Moldova lays out the legal framework for the National Cultural Fund, a government initiative designed to support and promote artistic and cultural endeavours within the country.

The law stipulates that the Fund will finance cultural and editorial projects and outlines its main objectives, such as supporting and promoting artistic creation, encouraging mobility and residency for artists and creatives, developing management and technical skills, and creating new products, services, and infrastructure within the cultural sector.

One notable feature of the law is that funding for cultural and editorial projects is only available through a selection process carried out by the Fund, rather than through a direct application process. The law also mandates that beneficiaries must use funding only for its intended purpose and within the approved amount, and that their use of the funds will be monitored by the Ministry of Culture or other relevant agencies. Every year, the Fund is required to publish a list of eligible cultural and editorial projects on its official website, along with a report on the use of Fund resources.

In addition to describing the Fund’s objectives and selection process, the law establishes a National Cultural Fund Council responsible for organizing and managing the Fund’s activities. The Council is composed of six members, experts in the fields of culture, arts, and management, and is tasked with evaluating and selecting cultural and editorial projects for funding. Members of the Council serve without remuneration and are subject to a code of ethics.

Overall, this law represents an important step toward promoting and preserving Moldova’s cultural heritage by providing necessary funding for artistic and cultural endeavors. By creating a clear framework for the National Cultural Fund and prioritizing the support of creative professionals, it aims to stimulate the growth and development of Moldova’s cultural sector and contribute to the country’s overall social and economic well-being.

Inclusion & Accessibility
Government of the Republic of Moldova
Fund, Funding, Cultural projects, Creativity
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