Landeskulturkonzept Sachen-Anhalt 2025

Saxony-Anhalt boasts a rich cultural heritage and a vibrant contemporary cultural scene. The state government is dedicated to preserving, maintaining, and further developing this diverse cultural landscape. The report recognizes that art and culture are indispensable for both individuals and society, enhancing the quality of life locally and playing a crucial role in the national and international competition for business locations.

Cultural policy in Saxony-Anhalt is seen as a societal task. The state’s cultural development plans, which extend up to 2025, address complex social challenges and provide strategic and conceptual guidelines. This report incorporates many of the 163 recommendations from the Cultural Convention in Saxony-Anhalt, established in 2011, emphasizing constant communication between state and local cultural sectors. With a long-term plan in mind, a flexible and adaptable cultural concept is crucial for responding to current developments. The state cultural concept outlines clear goals, responsibilities, and thought-provoking ideas to open up creative possibilities and future-proof the public cultural program.

Saxony-Anhalt’s cultural heritage spans various historical periods, including UNESCO World Heritage Sites, monuments, cathedrals, and museums. The new state cultural concept addresses the balance between heritage preservation and contemporary cultural policy demands, requiring structural adjustments to address financial challenges and ensure sustainability. The state’s cultural promotion focuses on supporting regional culture and art through project funding and sustaining key cultural infrastructure institutions, with theatres and orchestras presented as case studies.

The document also outlines a cultural tourism strategy aimed at sustainable tourism. Priorities include expanding thematic networks, adapting offerings for tourists, and increasing the visibility of cultural institutions. Additionally, the state emphasizes economic growth through the arts, cultural education, reading promotion, and media education initiatives to engage citizens. The state’s commitment to preserving cultural heritage, supporting regional culture, and promoting young artists reflects a comprehensive approach to cultural policy.

Heritage Preservation
Sachsen-Anhalt Kultusministerium
Cultural Education, cultural heritage management, Regional policies
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