Kulturelle Teilhabe. Participation culturelle. Partecipazione culturale

The document discusses cultural participation as a multidimensional aspect of democratic engagement in Switzerland, emphasizing its political, economic, social, and cultural facets. Cultural participation is recognized as a crucial component in fostering social cohesion and integration, aiming to increase public involvement in cultural activities despite varying levels of education, income, or social background.

The concept of cultural participation is well-established in European cultural policy, with different interpretations ranging from public access to cultural institutions to active engagement in cultural practices. In Switzerland, the Federal Council’s “Culture Message 2016-2020” adopts a broad definition, encompassing both passive consumption, like attending cultural events, and active participation, such as creating art.

Efforts to enhance cultural participation involve removing barriers to access and encouraging diverse population groups to engage in cultural life. This includes improving physical, financial, and intellectual access to culture, promoting cultural education, and supporting amateur cultural practices. These measures aim to empower individuals to actively shape their cultural experiences, contributing to a vibrant and inclusive cultural landscape in Switzerland.

Inclusion & Accessibility
Office fédéral de la culture
German, French, Italian
Cultural life, Cultural Participation, Cultural Policy, Social Inclusion, Citizenship, Human Rights, Cultural Promotion
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