Loi sur l’énergie, LEne (Energy Act)

The “Loi sur l’énergie” is a comprehensive legislative document aimed at ensuring a sustainable, reliable, and efficient energy system in Switzerland. Enacted in 2017, this law sets the framework for the country’s energy policy, emphasising the transition to renewable energy sources and enhancing energy efficiency across all sectors. Its primary purpose is to reduce dependence on fossil fuels, lower greenhouse gas emissions, and foster innovation in the energy sector to meet future challenges.

At the core of the law is the commitment to promoting renewable energy. The legislation outlines specific measures to increase the production and use of renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and hydroelectric power. By setting ambitious targets, the law encourages investments in new technologies and infrastructure that will enable Switzerland to harness its natural resources more effectively. The law also includes provisions for the gradual phase-out of nuclear energy, reflecting a significant shift in the country’s energy strategy.

Energy efficiency is another critical aspect of the law. It mandates improvements in energy efficiency in buildings, transportation, and industrial processes. This involves setting standards and regulations for new constructions and renovations, encouraging the adoption of energy-saving technologies, and providing incentives for businesses and individuals to reduce their energy consumption. The focus on efficiency is designed to minimise waste and optimise the use of resources, contributing to both economic and environmental sustainability.

The “Loi sur l’énergie” also addresses the socio-economic impacts of the energy transition. It includes measures to support affected communities and industries, ensuring a fair and equitable transition. The law recognizes the importance of public participation and transparency, encouraging citizen involvement in energy projects and decision-making processes.

While the law primarily focuses on energy policy, its implications extend to cultural heritage through its environmental benefits. By reducing pollution and mitigating climate change, the law helps preserve natural landscapes and historical sites that could be threatened by environmental degradation. Additionally, the promotion of sustainable practices can lead to the conservation of traditional techniques and local knowledge related to energy use, blending modern innovation with cultural preservation.

Overall, the “Loi sur l’énergie” represents a forward-looking approach to energy management, balancing the need for environmental protection, economic development, and social equity. Its implementation is crucial for Switzerland’s sustainable future and serves as a model for other nations aiming to achieve similar goals.

Green Transition
Fedlex – La plateforme de publication du droit fédéral
Assemblée fédérale de la Confédération suisse
French, German, Italian
Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy, Green Energy Sector, New Technology, Sustainability, Environment Protection, Public Engagement, Transparency, Green Transition, Innovation, Cultural Heritage Preservation, Traditional Knowledge, Heritage restoration
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