Gesetz über den Natur- und Landschaftsschutz, NatG (Law on the Protection of Nature and Landscape)

The “Gesetz über den Natur- und Landschaftsschutz (NatG)” regulates the preservation of the natural environment and landscape in the canton of Fribourg.

This law underscores the region’s commitment to environmental stewardship and sustainable development. It provides comprehensive guidelines and regulations designed to protect natural habitats, landscapes, and biodiversity from the adverse effects of human activities.

The NatG outlines specific measures to safeguard various elements of the natural environment, including forests, water bodies, and wildlife. It mandates careful planning and management practices to ensure that any development or land use changes do not compromise the ecological balance. The law also emphasises the importance of maintaining the aesthetic and recreational value of landscapes, recognizing their significance not only for ecological health but also for the well-being of the local population.

A notable aspect of the NatG is its provisions for the protection of cultural heritage within the natural landscape. The document acknowledges that many natural sites are intertwined with historical and cultural elements, which contribute to the region’s identity and heritage. Therefore, it sets out rules to ensure that conservation efforts also respect and preserve these cultural values. This dual focus on natural and cultural preservation underscores the holistic approach of the NatG.

Heritage Preservation
Staat Freiburg
Der Grosse Rat des Kantons Freiburg
German, French
Environment, Cultural landscape, Natural Heritage, Biodiversity conservation, nature conservation, Cultural Heritage, Landscape
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