Kulturgesetz (Culture Act)

The Kulturgesetz of the Canton Appenzell Innerrhoden is a pivotal legislative document designed to support and enhance the cultural landscape of the region. Its primary purpose is to establish a robust framework for the promotion, development, and preservation of cultural activities and heritage. The law delineates the roles and responsibilities of governmental bodies, cultural institutions, and the community in fostering a vibrant cultural environment.

One of the central themes of the Kulturgesetz is the promotion of cultural diversity and accessibility. The legislation mandates that cultural activities and programs should be inclusive, providing opportunities for all residents to participate and benefit from cultural offerings. It underscores the significance of supporting a wide range of cultural expressions, from traditional arts to contemporary practices, thus enriching the cultural fabric of the canton.

The document also places a strong emphasis on the preservation and promotion of cultural heritage. It includes provisions for the conservation of historical sites, monuments, and artefacts, ensuring that these cultural treasures are protected and maintained for future generations. The law highlights the importance of integrating cultural heritage into educational initiatives, thereby fostering a deeper appreciation and understanding of the region’s history and identity.

Overall, the Kulturgesetz serves as a comprehensive guide for cultural policy in the Canton Appenzell Innerrhoden, aiming to create a dynamic and inclusive cultural environment. It plays a crucial role in shaping the cultural identity of the region, balancing the need for innovation with the preservation of cultural heritage.

Heritage Preservation
Kanton Appenzell Innerrhoden
Die Landsgemeinde des Kantons Appenzell I. Rh
cultural diversity, Accessibility, Cultural landscape, Cultural Heritage, Cultural life, Heritage Conservation, Innovation
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