Loi sur le patrimoine mobilier et immatériel (LPMI) (Movable and Intangible Heritage Act)

The “Loi sur le patrimoine mobilier et immatériel” (Law on Movable and Intangible Heritage) of the Canton of Vaud provides a comprehensive legal framework for the protection, conservation, and promotion of both movable and intangible cultural heritage. The law aims to preserve the cultural identity and memory of the region by ensuring the safeguarding of its diverse cultural assets.

The legislation covers a wide range of cultural elements, including artifacts, artworks, manuscripts, and traditional practices, customs, and knowledge. It establishes guidelines for the identification, documentation, and protection of these cultural elements, ensuring that they are preserved for future generations. The law also addresses the roles and responsibilities of public authorities, cultural institutions, and private individuals in heritage conservation.

Key points include provisions for financial support, grants, and subsidies to aid in the preservation and promotion of movable and intangible heritage. The law also mandates regular inventories and assessments to monitor the state of these cultural assets and ensure their ongoing protection. Additionally, it promotes public access to and engagement with cultural heritage through educational programs and public awareness campaigns.

The impact on cultural heritage is profound, as the law provides a structured approach to safeguarding the rich and diverse cultural history of the Canton of Vaud. By protecting both tangible and intangible heritage, the legislation helps maintain cultural diversity, supports cultural education, and fosters a sense of community identity. This not only benefits local communities but also enhances the cultural tourism potential of the region.

In summary, the “Loi sur le patrimoine mobilier et immatériel” ensures the preservation and promotion of the Canton of Vaud’s cultural heritage. It provides a robust framework for protecting and celebrating the region’s cultural assets, thereby enriching the cultural landscape for both present and future generations.

Heritage Preservation
État de Vaud
Le Grand Conseil du Canton de Vaud
Movable heritage, Intangible Heritage, Safeguarding, Preservation, Cultural institutions, Public Engagement, Community, Local identity, cultural diversity
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