Loi fédérale sur l’encouragement de la culture (Federal Act on the Promotion of Culture)

The Swiss Federal Act on the Promotion of Culture focuses on the protection and promotion of cultural heritage. Its purpose is to establish a legal framework that ensures the preservation, accessibility, and sustainability of cultural assets.

Key themes include safeguarding tangible and intangible cultural heritage, promoting cultural diversity, and integrating cultural heritage into public consciousness. The law also emphasises the importance of cooperation between federal, cantonal, and municipal authorities in managing cultural resources.

Significant points include the establishment of measures for the documentation, conservation, and restoration of cultural properties. It mandates the creation of inventories of cultural assets and encourages the use of digital technologies for heritage preservation. The law also outlines financial support mechanisms for heritage projects and stipulates penalties for illegal activities related to cultural properties.

Cultural heritage preservation is crucial for national identity and social cohesion. The law concludes that effective heritage management enhances cultural tourism and economic development while fostering a sense of historical continuity.

In conclusion, this law provides a comprehensive approach to cultural heritage preservation in Switzerland, ensuring that cultural assets are protected and promoted for future generations. It underscores the importance of collaboration, innovation, and sustainability in heritage management.

Digital Transition, Heritage Preservation
Fedlex – La plateforme de publication du droit fédéral
German, Italian, French
Cultural Heritage Preservation, Intangible Cultural Heritage, Safeguarding, Multilevel Collaboration, Digital infrastructure, National identity, Heritage transmission, Heritage Management
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