Davos Declaration 2018

The Davos Declaration, issued in January 2018, underscores the importance of high-quality Baukultur (building culture) in Europe. The declaration emphasises the role of Baukultur in fostering cultural identity, societal well-being, and sustainable development. It calls for a holistic approach to architecture and urban planning, integrating aesthetic, functional, social, and environmental dimensions.

Key themes include the promotion of cultural heritage, the enhancement of public spaces, and the necessity of interdisciplinary cooperation. The document advocates for policies that support the preservation and adaptive reuse of historical buildings, ensuring they meet contemporary needs while maintaining their cultural significance.

The findings highlight that Baukultur is essential for creating cohesive, livable environments that reflect and respect the diversity of European societies. The declaration encourages governments and stakeholders to prioritise high-quality design and planning in all aspects of the built environment.

The impact on cultural heritage is profound. By emphasising the preservation and thoughtful integration of historical sites into modern contexts, the Davos Declaration seeks to ensure that cultural heritage remains a vibrant part of contemporary life. It promotes the idea that well-maintained and appropriately utilised cultural sites can drive economic and social benefits, contributing to a shared European identity.

In conclusion, the Davos Declaration presents a comprehensive vision for integrating Baukultur into European policies and practices. By prioritising quality, sustainability, and cultural significance, it aims to create built environments that are both reflective of the past and responsive to future challenges.

Heritage Preservation
Office fédéral de la culture
French, English, German, Italian
Baukultur, Cultural Identity, Sustainable Development, Cultural Promotion, Public spaces, Integration Principle, European Identity
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