Dos ortógrafos portugueses aos “Portugalliae Monumenta Linguistica”: a reedição dos tratados metaortográficos portugueses dos séculos XVI a XVIII

The article discusses the implementation of a multi-layered system with distinct responsibilities to ensure data integration, integrity, and automation within a portal that aims to complement existing studies with the Ortógrafos Portugueses monographic series and the Portugalliae Monumenta Linguistica project.

These initiatives provide valuable resources for researchers in linguistics and Portuguese history. The portal serves as a relevant bibliography for researchers and a communication tool for the community, maintaining the visual identity of the institution. The project enables global researchers to access primary sources in Portuguese linguistics and history through well-crafted semi-diplomatic editions and facsimile editions. The website functions as a dynamic database allowing users to search works by titles, authors, and other aspects. The system allows constant database updates by researchers through the backoffice.

Overall, the project aims to promote open access and facilitate research in Portuguese linguistics and history, contributing to the field’s advancement and accessibility of valuable resources.

Digital Transition, Heritage Preservation
Rolf Kemmler, Carlos Assunção, Sónia Coelho, Susana Fontes
Textual Heritage, Linguistics, Open Data, Digital Archives
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