Masterplan Kultur Hessen

This master plan for regional culture policy provides a comprehensive framework for enhancing the preservation, digitalisation, and participatory management of Hessian cultural heritage. It emphasises the critical need to safeguard both tangible and intangible cultural assets, including historic buildings, monuments, and traditional practices, amid the challenges posed by climate change. By advocating for sustainable conservation strategies and innovative preservation techniques, the guidelines aim to ensure that the rich historical heritage is maintained for present and future inhabitants and visitors in Hesse.

The plan focuses on digitalisation as part of an ‘Open Access Policy’ highlighting the role of digital formats, virtual reconstructions, and online platforms in complementing traditional cultural experiences. The document encourages cultural institutions to develop digital skills and adopt innovative mediation formats to expand the reach and impact of cultural heritage in the digital era.

In terms of participation, the plan underscores the importance of engaging a diverse range of stakeholders in cultural heritage initiatives. By fostering active participation from local communities, institutions, and cultural players, the plan seeks to build a collective sense of responsibility towards preserving Hessian heritage while dealing with the Nazi’s dissonant heritage.

Finally, the plan touches upon several other topics, such as: the integration of culture into education, the promotion of culture amid economic difficulties, the role of cultural heritage in rural areas, voluntary work in culture, and the importance of networking and cooperation in the culture field, proposing for each topic a description of the status quo and a vision for the future.

Digital Transition, Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility
Hessisches Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst
Regional policies, sustainable preservation, Local Planning
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