Kultur 2020: Kunstpolitik für Baden-Württemberg

The report offers an in-depth examination of the cultural landscape in Baden-Württemberg, emphasising the critical role of art and culture in society. It explores cultural diversity, education, and intercultural dialogue, aiming to create an inclusive cultural environment accessible to all citizens.

The policy outlines the state’s dedication to financially supporting cultural institutions, preserving cultural heritage, and fostering a dynamic cultural ecosystem. It details the responsibilities of various ministries and the role of the State Art Advisory Board as an independent body of experts, alongside the mechanisms for funding cultural initiatives.

Key themes include the promotion of artistic excellence, innovation, and cultural education. The policy highlights the need for active participation in cultural activities from early childhood and adolescence, emphasising the role of cultural education in developing free, self-determined personalities. The intercultural exchange between people from diverse backgrounds is a priority, promoting mutual dialogue and harmonious coexistence.

It is also recognised the potential of the internet and digitalisation in expanding the reach of cultural offerings. It acknowledges the impact of these advancements on the production, presentation, and reception of art and culture, ensuring that cultural policies remain relevant in the digital age.

Despite economic challenges, the report reaffirms the state’s commitment to maintaining a diverse cultural offering. In addition to outlining inventories and perspectives for cultural policy in its diverse areas, it proposes a holistic approach to cultural development, designed to foster a thriving cultural ecosystem.

Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility
Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst des Landes Baden-Württemberg
Art, Intangible Heritage, Regional policies
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