
This legislation aims to strengthen the position of the Norwegian language and ensure that it remains a prominent part of society, covering all areas and aspects of social life. It emphasises equality between two written forms of Norwegian and commits to protecting and promoting the state’s official languages.

The law covers several areas and makes it mandatory for institutions and public services to provide written material in both Bokmål and Nynorsk, ensuring both written forms can be used interchangeably. Moreover, the law promotes the use of original Norwegian in literature, education, and public speaking, contributing to the preservation of the language as a heritage of Norway.

A significant part of the legislation focuses on the role of the state in protecting and promoting minority languages, ensuring the status of Sami, Kven, and Romani languages. Thus, the language law acknowledges the importance of cultural and linguistic diversity in society and aims to prevent language extinction among minority groups.

Overall, the Spraklova sculpts guidelines and responsibilities for governments, public sector, businesses, and communities to preserve and advance the Norwegian language. As a heritage document, the law acknowledges the deep cultural heritage of Norway and the role language occupies in defining the nation’s identity, also promoting inclusivity and democracy for all citizens.

Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility
Norwegian Ministry of Culture and Equality
Language, National language, Official language, Norwegian, Language promotion, Language preservation, Linguistic heritage, Public bodies, Education, Education and Training, Literature, Heritage Preservation, Cultural Heritage Preservation, Preservation, Minorities, cultural diversity, Diversity, Linguistic diversity, Identity, National identity, Cultural Heritage
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