Fastsettelse av forskrift om vern av Østmarka nasjonalpark, og fastsettelse av forskrift om vern av Østmarka friluftslivsområde

This legislation discusses the establishment and protection of the Østmarka National Park and Østmarka Recreation Area. It outlines the natural, cultural and historical values of the area and justifies why those values are worth conserving through the establishment of these protected areas. It also details the methods used to conduct research regarding the impact of the proposed protected areas on society and how the findings will be used to manage the park in the future.

The document discusses the balance between preservation and recreation for the benefit of local residents and visitors. The impact of human interference on natural areas is considered throughout, and the ways in which the park will be managed to mitigate that impact is outlined. The legislation highlights the necessity of conserving and protecting natural and cultural heritage. The park’s preservation is necessary to maintain the area’s rich biodiversity and ecological systems while at the same time upholding the cultural and historic values of the regions located within the park boundaries.

Overall, this legislation provides an in-depth exposition of the importance of natural and cultural heritage conservation, detailing the practical and ethical considerations relevant to the establishment and management of National Parks for recreational, research, and societal purposes.

Green Transition, Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility
Norwegian Ministry of Climate and Environment
Environmental Protection, Heritage Protection, Protected areas, Cultural values, Historical values, Research, Heritage Management, Environmental Management, Management, local community, Visitors, Heritage Preservation, Preservation, Recreation, Human activities, Impacts, Impact, Cultural Heritage, Natural Heritage, Biodiversity conservation, Biodiversity
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