Oppnevning av et utvalg som skal utrede forslag til ny kulturmiljølov

This legislation aims to establish a more comprehensive framework for the management and protection of cultural heritage and the natural environment throughout Norway. The appointed committee is tasked to ensure that the proposed law is aligned with Norway’s international obligations and to provide recommendations for an efficient and user-friendly administration of heritage sites and landscapes.

The legislation acknowledges the importance of aligning with other relevant regulations such as the planning and building act, biodiversity law, and other laws that may be pertinent. The proposed rules and regulations should be clear and easy to understand for both authorities and the public, and take into account new technologies and digital processes that may facilitate the management and decision-making process.

The committee will also consider how heritage management is regulated in comparable countries and what can be learned from these experiences. The legislation also highlights the importance of providing a clear definition of critical concepts such as “cultural environment”, “cultural heritage”, and “landscape”. The aims of the legislation are to develop a manageable and straightforward system for simplifying heritage management and conservation in Norway, and promote a sustainable development of cultural heritage and natural resources.

Green Transition, Heritage Preservation
Norwegian Ministry of Climate and Environment
Management, Environmental Management, Heritage Management, Environmental Protection, Heritage Protection, Cultural Heritage, Natural Environment, Planning, Biodiversity, Decision-making, Heritage, Sustainable Development, Natural Resources, Conservation, Heritage Conservation, Biodiversity conservation
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