Lov om vederlag for visning av billedkunst og kunsthåndtverk m.v. (Act on remuneration for the display of visual arts and crafts, etc.)

The legislation is a guide for heritage professionals and enthusiasts regarding the payment of compensation for the public display of art and crafts. The document provides guidelines for the payment of compensation for the public display of artwork, including works of a photographic nature and art and crafts. Compensation is made through annual appropriations from the government budget, and institutions that receive government funding are required to compensate artists for the display of their works.

The legislation sets rules for the display of public copies of artwork and crafts, and photographs owned by the government or institutions that receive government funding, and outlines the nature of the compensation to be paid in accordance with the provisions set out. The legislation further specifies the criteria for determining the artists and institutions that are eligible for compensation, while also detailing the factors that influence the amount of compensation to be paid.

The document’s impact on heritage is immense, as it provides guidance on how to respect artists’ intellectual property and ensure fair compensation for their work’s public display. The legislation embodies and promotes the fundamental principles of heritage preservation and respect for artistic creativity, leading to a more equitable and sustainable heritage sector. As such, the legislation is an essential tool that upholds the country’s cultural and artistic heritage. Heritage professionals can use the document to understand their obligations related to the public display of artworks and to ensure that the artists involved receive the compensation they are entitled to.

Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility
Norwegian Ministry of Culture and Equality
Heritage, Art, Guideline, Artworks, art works, Fund, Funding, Government Institutions, Intellectual Property Rights, Cultural institutions, Artists, Sustainable Heritage, Creativity, Artistic creations
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