Lei nº 32/2012, de 14 de agosto: medidas destinadas a agilizar e a dinamizar a reabilitação urbana

Law nº 32/2012, of August 14, was enacted to introduce amendments to the legal framework governing urban rehabilitation in Portugal. It aims to streamline and invigorate urban rehabilitation efforts by introducing measures to facilitate and accelerate the process.

The law includes amendments to the Civil Code and Decree-Law 307/2009, outlining specific changes to various articles within these legal documents and aiming to modernise and enhance the legal framework surrounding urban rehabilitation in Portugal, in order to promote efficiency and effectiveness in urban development initiatives.

The law outlines measures concerning cultural heritage within urban rehabilitation projects. It specifies that in cases involving classified or potentially classified cultural heritage sites, a detailed safeguard plan must be developed according to existing legislation. However, if the urban rehabilitation plan aligns with the objectives of the cultural heritage safeguard plan, the separate safeguard plan is not required.

Collaboration with the cultural heritage administration is essential in defining the terms of reference for the urban rehabilitation plan, ensuring compliance with heritage protection laws. The cultural heritage administration must provide technical support during the preparation and design of the project for areas containing or coinciding with classified or potentially classified heritage sites.

Additionally, the law mandates that the urban rehabilitation plan must incorporate rules and principles for safeguarding and enhancing the classified or potentially classified heritage sites and their protection zones as per the relevant legislation.

The law emphasises the importance of preserving and valorising cultural heritage within urban rehabilitation initiatives, highlighting the need for alignment with heritage protection laws and regulations to ensure the sustainable development of these areas.

Green Transition, Heritage Preservation
Portuguese Parliament
Urban Regeneration, Cultural Heritage, Preservation, Protection, Immovable Cultural Heritage
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