The Museum Act upholds the importance of community, diversity, education, and democracy in the context of culture. It seeks to promote the preservation of cultural and natural heritage, as well as art for future generations.
The Museum Act imposes the following general provisions: to maintain and strengthen people’s understanding, heritage, and surroundings; to preserve museums’ exhibits; to advance research on collections and other materials; to promote the availability, accessibility, and use of artefacts and knowledge; to offer presentations and experiences of cultural and natural heritage, and art; to improve the public’s interaction, and to promote education.
The Museum Act also specifies the eligibility for state subsidies for museums and the criteria according to which they are distributed. The standards are based on the comprehensive documentation and regional significance of the museum’s collection and services, accessibility, commitment to preserving cultural heritage, and provision of valuable services to the community. The state aid’s ultimate objective is to guarantee this service’s availability and improve the access to museums for all citizens.
Furthermore, the law calls for regional museums to be responsible for heritage conservation, promotion and digitatisation, and to assess the collection’s national significance. Additionally, it provides guidelines for various types of museums, including amateur and specialised museums, details the responsibilities of museum directors, and clarifies technicalities related to economic support and contracting.