Laki Taiteen edistämiskeskuksesta

This legislation establishes the Art Promotion Centre to advance art nationally and internationally. The Centre’s key responsibilities include promoting art and culture, enhancing artists’ working conditions, and supporting their livelihoods through grants and awards. It also plays a crucial role in providing expert opinions, contributing to strategic art-related initiatives, and collaborating with regional art committees.

The law empowers the Centre to make decisions on artist funding, offer specialised insights, and support national art endeavours. Furthermore, the legislation outlines the framework for the Centre’s operations, emphasising its role in fostering artistic creativity and cultural development. By facilitating the distribution of grants and prizes, the Centre actively contributes to the growth and sustainability of the artistic community.

Its engagement in strategic planning and advisory functions ensures a comprehensive approach to promoting art at both national and international levels. Overall, this legislation underscores the significance of the Art Promotion Centre in nurturing artistic talent, preserving cultural heritage, and fostering a vibrant arts ecosystem.

Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility, International Cultural Relations
Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture
Art Promotion Centre, Arts Promotion Centre, Art, Arts, Cultural Promotion, Culture, Artists, Working Conditions, Professionals, Collaboration, Local talent, Planning, Creativity, International representation
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