Laki eräiden Suomeen tuotavien näyttelyesineiden takavarikoinnin kieltämisestä

This legislation aims to facilitate international cultural exchange and the organisation of artistically or culturally significant exhibitions in Finland. The main provision is the prohibition of seizure for loaned exhibition items, ensuring that these valuable cultural artefacts are protected while in the country.

The Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture can prohibit the seizure of exhibition items if they are loaned for significant artistic or cultural exhibitions. This applies particularly to exhibitions considered important for international cultural exchange and organised by public or non-profit entities. However, the prohibition cannot be granted if there is reason to believe the item was stolen, its ownership is disputed, the prohibition would conflict with international agreements or EU laws, or the item is likely to be sold or commercially exploited during the exhibition.

Once a prohibition is in place, the exhibition item cannot be seized, subjected to enforcement actions, or used to satisfy debts, ensuring its safe return to the lender. The prohibition can last up to one year, and in unforeseen circumstances preventing the item’s return, it extends automatically until two weeks after the impediment is resolved. Applications for prohibition must be submitted at least two months before the desired start date, including detailed information about the item, its lender, and the exhibition. Any unauthorised actions against the prohibition can be annulled by the appropriate judicial authority.

Heritage Preservation
Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture
International, International Cooperation, International exchange, Exhibition, Cultural values, Heritage values, Artefacts, Regulation, regulations, prohibitions
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