Laki valtion taiteilija-apurahoista

This legislation outlines the framework for artist grants, emphasising support for cultural heritage preservation through funding artistic endeavours. It addresses the criteria for postponing, suspending, and continuing grants, ensuring flexibility for recipients facing specific life circumstances. The law aims to nurture emerging talents and sustain the artistic community by providing financial assistance for up to ten years.

Furthermore, the legislation highlights the importance of accommodating artists’ needs, such as health issues, childcare responsibilities, and military service, in the grant allocation process. By offering grants that align with the evolving needs of artists, the law contributes to the continuity of cultural heritage projects and artistic contributions. It underscores the significance of long-term support for artists, enabling them to focus on their creative pursuits without financial constraints.

Overall, this legislation plays a crucial role in fostering a vibrant cultural landscape by empowering artists to explore and showcase their talents. By establishing clear guidelines for grant management and allocation, it ensures that heritage projects receive sustained support, contributing to the preservation and promotion of cultural heritage for future generations.

Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility
Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture
grants, Artists, Fund, Funding, Financial help, Cultural Heritage, Artistic Heritage, Culture Preservation, Cultural Heritage Preservation, Preservation, Local talent, Cultural projects, Project, Support, Guideline, Cultural Promotion, Heritage promotion, Promoting cultural heritage
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