Décret n° 2013-394 du 13 mai 2013 portant publication de la convention sur la protection du patrimoine culturel subaquatique (ensemble une annexe), adoptée à Paris le 2 novembre 2001

This legislation outlines comprehensive guidelines for the protection and preservation of underwater cultural heritage. It emphasises the importance of in situ conservation as the primary approach and restricts interventions to those compatible with heritage protection. The document sets clear rules for project descriptions, including objectives, methods, financing plans, and team compositions, ensuring thorough planning and execution.

Furthermore, it highlights the necessity of cooperation and international collaboration in underwater heritage interventions to leverage diverse expertise effectively. The legislation mandates the development of emergency plans to safeguard heritage and related documentation in case of project interruptions. It also stresses the significance of proper documentation, preservation, and conservation of recovered cultural elements and sites, with detailed reporting requirements and recommendations for future activities.

By establishing stringent rules for project conservation and archive management, this legislation aims to enhance the protection and understanding of underwater cultural heritage. It underscores the importance of sustainable financing, qualified team members, and adherence to timelines to ensure successful project completion. Overall, this legislation serves as a crucial framework for promoting responsible and effective practices in the preservation of underwater cultural heritage for present and future generations.

Heritage Preservation, International Cultural Relations
French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs
Heritage Protection, Protection, Heritage Preservation, Cultural Heritage Preservation, Preservation, Maritime preservation, Underwater Cultural Heritage, Planning, International Cooperation, Cooperation, Collaboration, Heritage Conservation, Conservation, Heritage Management, Management, Recommendations, Responsible practices
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