Denkmalschutzgesetz (DSchG M-V) In der Fassung der Bekanntmachung vom 6. Januar 1998 (Monument Protection Act in the version published on 6 January 1998)

The “Denkmalschutzgesetz Mecklenburg-Vorpommern” (DSchG MV), adopted in 1998 and amended the last time in 2010, is a piece of legislation aimed at preserving and protecting cultural monuments in the state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. The primary purpose of this law is to ensure that the historical, cultural, and architectural heritage of the region is maintained for future generations, integrating conservation efforts into broader urban and regional planning.

The legislation broadly defines cultural monuments, including buildings, structures, archaeological sites, and other objects of historical, scientific, artistic, or urban significance. It mandates the creation and maintenance of a comprehensive monument register, managed by the State Office for Monument Preservation, which documents all recognized monuments and provides a crucial tool for monitoring and maintaining these cultural assets.

Owners of cultural monuments are required to preserve the historical value of their properties and obtain approval from the heritage authorities for any alterations, repairs, or demolitions. This ensures that any changes do not compromise the monument’s integrity and historical significance.
The law also provides financial assistance, including grants and subsidies, to support the maintenance and restoration of cultural monuments. This financial support is vital in encouraging property owners to undertake preservation efforts, especially when faced with the significant costs associated with maintaining historical properties.

In addition to regulatory measures, the DSchG MV promotes public involvement in heritage conservation. It encourages educational programs, public access to monuments, and community engagement to foster a collective sense of responsibility for cultural heritage. By raising public awareness and appreciation, the law aims to ensure that the value of these monuments is recognized by the wider community.

Heritage Preservation
Landesrecht M-V
Cultural Heritage Preservation, Integration Principle, Urban Planning, Heritage registry, Funding, Accessibility, Public Engagement
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