Gesetz zum Schutz von Denkmalen in Berlin (Denkmalschutzgesetz Berlin – DSchG Bln) – Law on the Protection of Monuments in Berlin (Berlin Monument Protection Act)

The “Gesetz zum Schutz von Denkmalen in Berlin” (Denkmalschutzgesetz Berlin – DSchG Bln), adopted in 1995 and most recently amended in September 2021 (Article 2), establishes the framework for protecting monuments in Berlin. Its main objectives are the preservation, maintenance, scientific research, and dissemination of knowledge regarding historical monuments. This law integrates monument protection into urban development, land care, and planning, ensuring public planning and measures appropriately consider the importance of preserving cultural heritage.

The law defines various types of monuments, including architectural, garden, and archaeological monuments, detailing their significance to public interest due to their historical, artistic, scientific, or urban value. It mandates the immediate reporting of archaeological discoveries to the relevant authorities and outlines the conditions under which excavations can occur, emphasising the protection of these cultural assets.

A central aspect of the law is the maintenance of a public monument list, documenting all recognized monuments. The Denkmalfachbehörde (Monument Authority) is responsible for compiling this list, conducting systematic inventories, and supporting monument owners in preservation efforts. The law also specifies the organisational structure for monument protection, assigning roles to different administrative bodies, including the Landesdenkmalrat (State Monument Council), which advises on significant matters of monument preservation.

The legislation emphasises public involvement and transparency, granting public access to the monument list and involving citizens in the protection efforts. It also includes provisions for public funding to support preservation activities and outlines penalties for violations of the monument protection regulations.

Overall, the Denkmalschutzgesetz Berlin plays a crucial role in safeguarding Berlin’s rich cultural heritage, ensuring that monuments are preserved for future generations while integrating their protection into the broader context of urban and regional planning.

Heritage Preservation
Berliner Vorschriften- und Rechtsprechungsdatenbank
Cultural Heritage Preservation, Knowledge Dissemination, Urban Development, Public Engagement, Funding
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