2012. évi XXX. törvény a magyar nemzeti értékekről és a hungarikumokról (Act XXX of 2012 on Hungarian National Values and Hungaricums)

A law on a complex system of local, regional and national values, called Hungarica.
The law defines a system of local, regional and national heritage, which includes natural and cultural, tangible and intangible heritage values.
Local and regional councils for the values must make lists and propose items to be regarded as a higher level values thus creating a hierarchy of Hungarian values. The national list is entitled Hungarica, the individual items called Hungaricum.
Apart from the councils being responsible for the contents of the list and for the acknowledgement of these values, it offers little institutional background for the documentation and preservation of values, so in the local and regional level, especially for built and natural heritage is can be considered a parallel system of classifying and acknowledging the valuable heritage beside the local and state monument protection and nature preservation.

Green Transition, Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility
Az Országgyűlés (Parliament – Hungary)
Cultural Traditions, Heritage values
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