ORDONANȚA nr. 43 din 30 ianuarie 2000 privind protecția patrimoniului arheologic și declararea unor situri arheologice ca zone de interes național (ORDINANCE no. 43 of 30 January 2000 on the protection of the archaeological heritage and the declaration of some archaeological sites as areas of national interest)

This is a very comprehensive ordinance that tackles archaeological heritage and archaeological sites and which approaches legal, administrative, financial-fiscal and technical measures designed to ensure the prospecting, identification, uncovering, inventorying, conservation and restoration, guarding, maintenance and enhancement of archaeological assets, as well as the land on which they are located, with a view to their research or, where appropriate, their classification as movable cultural assets or historical monuments.
The documents comprises a typology of elements that can fall under this category, definitions (such as for archaeological research or discovery), as well as the institutions responsible for this type of heritage and references to legal documents specific for particular situations (such as, for instance, transport infrastructure construction).
There is also a chapter on infringes and misdemeanours

Green Transition, Inclusion & Accessibility
Guvernul Romania
Archaelogical Heritage, Archaeological Site
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