Gesamte Rechtsvorschrift für Steiermärkisches Kultur- und Kunstförderungsgesetz 2005 – KuKuFöG 2005 (Art and Cultural Promotion Act of Styria)

The Steiermärkisches Kultur- und Kunstförderungsgesetz 2005 is the basic law for art and culture promotion in Styria as amended the last time in 2017.
The document identifies cultural activities as essential intellectual and creative endeavours that produce and reproduce works, emphasising their indispensability for societal development. It highlights that such activities offer significant innovative potential and drive societal progress.
The amended act explicitly mentions the support for diverse artistic fields, including visual arts, new media, architecture, performing arts, film, literature, music, music theatre, sound art, general folk culture, museums, monument preservation, and cultural goods.
Concerning policy, the amendment establishes a cultural policy concept to be evaluated annually to ensure a dynamic and responsive approach to cultural heritage management.
The document outlines procedures for financial support, application processes, decision timelines, and criteria for funding, all aimed at fostering an efficient and transparent system for promoting cultural heritage. For instance, it requires that experts and professionals assess multi-year funding applications.
Finally, the amendment addresses the integration principle, by mandating the integration of different artistic fields with digital projects, research, education and innovation.

Heritage Preservation
Rechtsinformationssystem des Bundes
Culture, Social Development, Heritage promotion, Regional policies
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