SDG-Aktionsplan 2019+ Nachhaltigkeit forcieren – Zukunft gestalten (SDG Action Plan 2019+ Driving Sustainability – Shaping the future)

The “SDG Aktionsplan 2019” outlines a comprehensive strategy for achieving sustainable development and it addresses cultural heritage as an integral component of it, as it emphasises the significance of preserving and promoting cultural heritage in alignment with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
On top of aligning with SDG 11 on cities and human settlements and target 11.4 on strengthening efforts to protect and safeguard the world’s cultural and natural heritage, the strategy presents cultural heritage as a critical factor in fostering cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue. The document highlights the role of cultural heritage in promoting understanding, tolerance, and peace among different cultural groups. It acknowledges the economic benefits deriving from cultural heritage as touristic attractions and the creative industry. The role of cultural heritage is also considered socially beneficial to preserve cultural identity.
The strategy advocates for active participation of local communities in the management and preservation of cultural heritage, in order to strengthen the sustainability of heritage conservation efforts and the benefit for the local population.
To address challenges such as urbanisation and climate change, it is proposed to include cultural heritage into urban planning and climate-adaptive measures.
Concerning policy and governance, the document calls for national and local governments to implement policies that support heritage conservation, provide adequate funding, and foster public-private partnerships. It also highlights the importance of international cooperation and the role of UNESCO in setting global standards and facilitating knowledge exchange​​.

Heritage Preservation
Bundesministerium Klimaschutz, Umwelt Energie, Mobilität, Innovation und Technologie
Sustainable Development, Integration Principle, Participation
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