Memorandum of Understanding for co-operation in the field of Cultural Heritage between Malta and the Great Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya

The MoU published by the Ministry For Foreign And European Affairs And Trade establishes a cooperation between Heritage Malta, the national government entity entrusted with the care, management and conservation of Cultural Heritage, now under the Ministry for the National Heritage, the Arts and Local Government, and the Antiquities Authority of the Great Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya. Although on the national level there have been institutional reforms, the MoU is still in force.
The objective of the MoU is to foster and develop the relationship between the two authorities in the field of cultural heritage. The cooperation involves the exchange of experience and information (Article 3 and 4), cooperation in the fields of exhibition, museology and in the dissemination of culture (Article 5), conservation and preservation (Article 6), cultural promotion and tourism (Article 7), protection of cultural property (Article 8).
The MoU provides also for a provision on financial conditions (Article 9), whereby co-operation has to be provided upon national availability of resources. In case of disputes, the agreement foresees that the parties resort to negotiation (Article 11).
The MoU entered into force on the date of the signature, it has a duration of 5 years after which it is automatically renewed unless the parties have objections (Article 12).

International Cultural Relations
Maltese Ministry for Foreign and European Affairs and Trade
Cultural cooperation, Heritage Protection, Best Practices
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