Décret créant une Commission de surveillance de la législation sur la langue française

This legislation establishes a Commission tasked with overseeing the enforcement of language laws and regulations within the French Community. The Commission consists of 13 members appointed proportionally by the Council, ensuring a diverse representation. It addresses complaints regarding language law violations, conducts investigations, and provides recommendations to ensure compliance.

The Commission plays a crucial role in upholding the linguistic heritage and promoting the use of the French language within the community. By receiving and addressing complaints related to language usage, the Commission actively engages with individuals and organisations to safeguard linguistic rights and obligations. It has the authority to investigate alleged violations, issue recommendations for corrective actions, and liaise with relevant authorities to enforce language regulations effectively.

Through its annual reporting mechanism, the Commission ensures transparency and accountability in its activities, contributing to the preservation and promotion of the French language heritage. Furthermore, the Commission’s role extends to advising government officials on matters concerning language legislation and offering insights on potential improvements or amendments to existing laws. Its proactive approach in monitoring language compliance and providing guidance reflects a commitment to preserving the cultural and linguistic identity of the French Community.

Overall, this legislation underscores the significance of language protection and enforcement in heritage conservation efforts, emphasising the importance of linguistic diversity and heritage preservation in a multicultural society.

Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility
Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles
Multicultural, cultural diversity, Diversity, Linguistic heritage, Linguistics, Cultural Heritage, Language, Language preservation, French language, Language promotion, Community, Identity, Rights, Rights of individuals
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