Décret relatif à l’octroi de subventions aux collectivités locales pour les projets d’infrastructures culturelles

This legislation focuses on providing subsidies to local communities for cultural infrastructure projects, aiming to enhance heritage preservation and promote cultural development. It outlines criteria for granting subsidies based on the project’s alignment with cultural policies, architectural quality, and community engagement. The document categorises infrastructure investments into small and large projects, each with specific cost thresholds and subsidy considerations.

One key aspect highlighted is the requirement for local communities receiving subsidies to maintain the designated use of the funded infrastructure for at least fifteen years. This ensures the long-term preservation and utilisation of cultural assets within the community. Additionally, the legislation emphasises the importance of public participation in project planning and implementation, underscoring the need for community involvement in decision-making processes.

Furthermore, the document establishes intervention rates for cultural infrastructure investments, with a base rate of 40% and a higher rate of 70% for projects in priority areas. By incentivizing investments in specific regions, the legislation aims to address socio-economic disparities and promote cultural accessibility across different localities. It also addresses funding limitations by allowing deviations from standard subsidy rates when necessary due to budget constraints.

Overall, this legislation plays a crucial role in shaping heritage conservation and cultural development initiatives at the local level. By providing financial support and setting clear guidelines for project evaluation and implementation, it contributes to the sustainable management and promotion of cultural heritage assets within communities.

Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility
Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles
Cultural Heritage, cultural assets, Community engagement, Community Participation, community involvement, Subsidies, Financial help, Financial Instruments, Funding, Cultural Policy, Policies, Policy, Decision-making, Local initiatives, Local Planning, local actions, local community, Local Authorities
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