Décret relatif à la transmission de la mémoire des crimes de génocide, des crimes contre l’humanité, des crimes de guerre et des faits de résistance ou des mouvements ayant résisté aux régimes qui ont suscité ces crimes

This legislation focuses on the preservation and transmission of memory related to genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes, as well as resistance movements. It establishes criteria for the recognition of Centers of resources that play a vital role in documenting and disseminating historical knowledge. These centres are required to publish studies, articles, and comments, maintain accessible documentation, and have qualified staff for educational functions. The legislation emphasises collaboration with other stakeholders in the thematic area defined by the decree.

Furthermore, the creation of a “Council of the transmission of memory” is outlined, tasked with providing advice to the Government on recognition matters. The Council aims to facilitate access to historical resources, promote understanding of past events, and engage the public, especially younger generations, in learning about significant historical facts. It encourages activities that stimulate public awareness and contribute to the dissemination of historical knowledge.

The legislation also mandates the organisation of educational activities, publication of relevant materials, and the availability of documented resources to the public. It underscores the importance of diverse audience engagement, dynamic approaches to outreach, and the promotion of educational initiatives. By supporting projects that enhance the understanding and appreciation of historical events, this legislation contributes to the preservation and promotion of heritage for present and future generations.

Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility
Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles
Heritage Preservation, Preservation, Heritage, Heritage transmission, Education, Heritage Education, Historical heritage, Collective Memory, Historical Memory, History Memory, Memory, Knowledge, Knowledge Transfer, Knowledge Dissemination, Resources, Heritage resources
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