Règlement grand-ducal du 26 octobre 2019 déterminant les modalités d’organisation et de fonctionnement du Conseil permanent de la langue luxembourgeoise, l’indemnisation de ses membres et portant abrogation du règlement grand-ducal du 30 juillet 1999 portant réforme du système officiel d’orthographe luxembourgeoise

This legislation establishes the framework for the organisation and operation of the Permanent Council of the Luxembourgish Language, emphasising the promotion and preservation of the Luxembourgish language. The Council convenes regularly to discuss and decide on matters related to language orthography, grammar, phonetics, and language usage. Members of the Council are compensated for their participation, reflecting the importance placed on linguistic heritage and cultural identity.

The President plays a crucial role in leading Council meetings, approving meeting minutes, and communicating Council decisions to the Government for further action. The Council’s recommendations on language rules are subject to Government approval before publication, ensuring alignment with official language standards. Additionally, the Council may form specialised working groups to facilitate in-depth discussions and preparations for its recommendations.

By repealing previous regulations on language reform, this legislation signifies a shift towards modernising and adapting language policies while preserving linguistic traditions. The financial implications of Council operations, including member compensation, underscore the value placed on linguistic expertise and the significance of language preservation in Luxembourg’s cultural heritage. Overall, this legislation highlights the ongoing commitment to safeguarding and promoting the Luxembourgish language within the national framework of linguistic diversity and heritage conservation.

Heritage Preservation
Gouvernement du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg
Luxembourgish language, Public bodies, Promoting cultural heritage, Heritage promotion, Heritage Preservation, Language preservation, Preservation, Cultural Identity, Linguistic heritage, Linguistics, Traditions, Language, National language, Diversity, cultural diversity
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