Règlement grand-ducal du 26 juillet 2023 portant délimitation de la zone d’observation archéologique

In this legislation, the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg establishes a defined archaeological observation zone in accordance with cultural heritage laws. The document outlines the specific boundaries and regulations governing archaeological activities within this designated area. It emphasises the importance of preserving and studying cultural heritage through systematic observation and documentation.

The legislation highlights the role of the Minister of Culture in overseeing the implementation of the regulations within the archaeological observation zone. It underscores the significance of public consultation and input from relevant chambers of commerce and trades in the decision-making process. By delimiting this zone, the government aims to protect and promote the historical and archaeological significance of the area for present and future generations.

Through this regulatory framework, stakeholders in the heritage sector are provided with clear guidelines for conducting archaeological research and exploration within the designated zone. The document reflects a commitment to safeguarding cultural heritage sites and artefacts, ensuring their conservation and appropriate management. By establishing this zone, the legislation contributes to the preservation of Luxembourg’s rich archaeological heritage and facilitates responsible engagement with the past.

Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility
Gouvernement du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg
Cultural Heritage, Heritage Sites, Heritage Site, Archaeological Site, Artefacts, Archaeology, Archaelogical Heritage, Archaeological observation zone, Designated areas, Archaeological significance
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