Règlement grand-ducal du 26 août 2009 portant création d’un Centre de documentation sur la forteresse de Luxembourg auprès du Musée national d’histoire et d’art

This legislation establishes a “Centre de documentation sur la Forteresse de Luxembourg” within the National Museum of History and Art, tasked with managing the Fortress Museum at the “Dräi Eechelen” site and enhancing the preservation of entrusted documents and objects.

The Centre’s responsibilities include visitor reception, museum maintenance, document collection, multilingual guided tours, temporary exhibitions, scientific research on Luxembourg’s Fortress and national identity, and collaboration with academic and public/private partners for research and exhibition projects. Additionally, the Centre collaborates with the European Institute of Cultural Routes for cross-border fortified site tours.

The Centre’s direction is overseen by the Museum’s director or a delegate appointed by the Minister of Culture, who can assign public officials, scientific, administrative, and technical collaborators to manage the Centre. Funding for the Centre’s operations is sourced from budgetary allocations to the National Museum of History and Art.

The legislation repeals a previous regulation related to the creation and organisation of a documentation centre on the Luxembourg Fortress, emphasising the importance of preserving and promoting the historical and cultural significance of the fortress through research, exhibitions, and collaborations with various stakeholders.

Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility
Gouvernement du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg
National Museum of History and Art, Museum, Museums, Management of museums, Heritage Preservation, Preservation, Maintenance, Management, Exhibition, Research, Science, Collaboration, Historical significance, Cultural significance
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