Règlement grand-ducal du 9 juin 2023 déterminant les modalités des procédures de sélection prévues par la loi du 8 mars 2023 relative à l’intégration d’œuvres artistiques dans les édifices publics, ainsi que les missions, la composition et le fonctionnement de la commission d’aménagement artistique et du comité artistique instaurés par la même loi (Grand-Ducal Regulation of 9 June 2023 determining the details of the selection procedures provided for by the Law of 8 March 2023 on the integration of artistic works in public buildings, as well as the tasks, composition and operation of the Artistic Planning Commission and the Artistic Committee established by the same Law)

This legislation outlines the procedures and guidelines for integrating artistic works into public buildings in Luxembourg. It establishes the roles and responsibilities of the artistic development committee and the artistic committee in overseeing the selection and implementation of art projects.

The document emphasises the importance of promoting and preserving cultural heritage through the integration of artworks in public spaces. By defining the selection criteria and procedures for artist engagement, the legislation aims to ensure the quality and relevance of artistic projects in public buildings. It highlights the significance of engaging with artists and experts in the field to enhance the cultural landscape and contribute to the preservation of heritage.

The document underscores the collaborative efforts between authorities, artists, and stakeholders to enrich public spaces with meaningful and impactful artistic creations. Through the establishment of the commission of artistic development and the artistic committee, the legislation seeks to facilitate a structured and transparent process for integrating artworks into public infrastructure. It emphasises the role of these bodies in advising on project content, artist selection, and compliance with regulatory standards.

Overall, the legislation aims to promote cultural diversity, creativity, and heritage preservation through the integration of artistic works in public buildings, fostering a vibrant and culturally rich environment for the community and future generations.

Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility
Gouvernement du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg
Public access, Public spaces, Public Space, Artistic creations, art works, Artworks, Artistic committee, Cultural projects, Cultural Heritage, Heritage, Cultural Heritage Preservation, Culture Preservation, Heritage Preservation, Preservation, Heritage promotion, Promoting cultural heritage, cultural diversity, Creativity
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