Règlement grand-ducal du 6 novembre 2009 portant désignation des zones spéciales de conservation

In this legislation, the focus is on the conservation and restoration of natural habitats and ecosystems in Luxembourg. The document outlines specific measures aimed at maintaining favourable conditions and expanding the surface area of forests, alluvial forests, and oak and beech forests. It also emphasises the importance of preserving and restoring specific vegetation types and species within designated conservation zones.

Furthermore, the legislation highlights the objectives of conservation, including improving water quality, protecting river ecosystems, and safeguarding populations of various plant and animal species. It underscores the significance of maintaining a favourable conservation status for diverse habitats, such as eutrophic lakes, alluvial forests, and specific forest types like Stellario-Carpinetum and Asperulo-Fagetum. These efforts contribute to the overall biodiversity and ecological balance of the region, promoting sustainable heritage management practices.

The document also designates specific Special Conservation Zones where conservation actions are to be implemented. It lists various habitat types and species protected within these zones, indicating a comprehensive approach to safeguarding natural heritage. By focusing on targeted conservation measures and restoration activities, the legislation aims to ensure the long-term preservation of Luxembourg’s natural heritage for future generations to enjoy and benefit from.

Green Transition, Heritage Preservation
Gouvernement du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg
Conservation, Heritage Conservation, Restoration, Natural Environment, Biodiversity, Biodiversity conservation, Ecological balance, Sustainable Development, Sustainable practices, Natural Heritage, Protected areas
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