Loi du 30 novembre 1971 portant approbation de la Convention Européenne pour la protection du patrimoine archéologique, signée à Londres le 6 mai 1969

This legislation focuses on the protection of archaeological heritage within the European context. It emphasises the importance of safeguarding archaeological sites, artefacts, and historical knowledge for future generations. The document highlights the responsibilities of member states in preventing illicit excavations, promoting cooperation, and facilitating the exchange of archaeological information.

One key aspect addressed in the legislation is the establishment of measures to delineate and protect archaeological sites, ensuring their scientific significance is preserved. It also emphasises the need to combat clandestine excavations and take proactive steps to safeguard archaeological treasures. The document underscores the role of education and awareness in fostering a deeper appreciation for archaeological heritage and the risks posed by uncontrolled excavations.

Furthermore, the legislation outlines commitments to restrict the acquisition of suspicious archaeological goods by museums and institutions, whether controlled by the state or not. It stresses the importance of international collaboration to prevent the illicit trafficking of archaeological items and to address identification and authentication challenges. By promoting cooperation, information exchange, and public awareness, the legislation aims to enhance the protection and preservation of Europe’s rich archaeological legacy.

Heritage Preservation, International Cultural Relations
Gouvernement du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg
Archaelogical Heritage, Archaeology, Archaeological Site, Artefacts, Knowledge, Cooperation, International Cooperation, Collaboration, Science, Historical significance, Excavations, Heritage Preservation, Preservation, Council of Europe
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