Loi du 25 juillet 1947 ayant pour objet l’approbation de la Convention créant une organisation des Nations Unies pour l’Education, la Science et la Culture

This legislation focuses on the approval of the Convention establishing an organisation for Education, Science, and Culture within the United Nations framework. It highlights the importance of safeguarding and promoting cultural heritage, emphasising the need for international cooperation in preserving historical and scientific artefacts. The document underscores the role of education, science, and culture in fostering peace and understanding among nations, recognizing the pivotal role of intellectual exchange and knowledge dissemination in global progress.

One key aspect addressed in the legislation is the conservation and protection of universal heritage, including books, artworks, and historical monuments. It advocates for international conventions to safeguard these treasures and recommends collaboration between nations to achieve this goal effectively. Moreover, the legislation encourages the exchange of educational, scientific, and cultural representatives, as well as publications and artworks, to facilitate cross-cultural learning and appreciation.

Furthermore, the legislation aims to enhance access to knowledge and resources for all populations through international cooperation. By promoting the dissemination of information and facilitating the sharing of laboratory materials and useful documentation, the document seeks to empower individuals worldwide with valuable resources for learning and development. Overall, this legislation underscores the significance of education, science, and culture in promoting peace, fostering mutual understanding, and advancing global cooperation for the preservation of heritage and the advancement of society.

Heritage Preservation, International Cultural Relations
Gouvernement du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg
UNESCO, United Nations, Artefacts, Heritage Preservation, Cultural Heritage Preservation, Preservation, Cooperation, International Cooperation, Global cooperation, Cultural Heritage, Heritage promotion, Education, Promoting cultural heritage, Knowledge Dissemination
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