Loi du 18 juillet 2018 concernant la protection de la nature et des ressources naturelles

This legislation focuses on the protection of nature and natural resources, emphasising the preservation of environmental integrity, landscapes, and habitats. It outlines strict regulations for projects impacting protected species or their habitats, requiring authorization and potential mitigation measures. Additionally, it mandates that new constructions align with green zone purposes, allowing only essential developments for specific activities.

Furthermore, the law establishes a comprehensive national nature protection plan, guiding conservation efforts and action plans for habitats and species. It emphasises the importance of evaluating impacts before and after work, with compulsory compensatory measures in designated areas. The legislation also allows for exceptional measures to be authorised for biodiversity conservation, ensuring a balanced approach to development and environmental preservation.

In conclusion, this legislation plays a crucial role in safeguarding natural heritage by setting clear objectives for environmental protection and restoration. It underscores the significance of maintaining biodiversity, landscapes, and ecosystems for current and future generations. By promoting sustainable practices and stringent regulations, this law aims to strike a harmonious balance between human activities and the preservation of natural resources and heritage.

Green Transition, Heritage Preservation
Gouvernement du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg
Environmental Protection, Restoration, Biodiversity, Biodiversity conservation, Landscape, Landscapes, Designated areas, nature protection plan, Conservation
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