The KAIRÓS journey on heritage-driven urban regeneration

This final report outlines the transformative journey of the KAIRÓS Network, a collaborative initiative led by Mula and six other European cities, aimed at leveraging cultural heritage for sustainable urban development. The network’s integrated approach focused on redefining heritage’s role in urban regeneration, emphasizing the importance of embracing changes in perception and methodology. Through peer-learning, local action planning, and small-scale interventions, the KAIRÓS Network successfully developed tailored action plans for each participating city, effectively integrating heritage into their urban development strategies.

The KAIRÓS Network’s impact extended beyond mere planning, with active involvement from city mayors, innovative fundraising strategies, and a strong emphasis on multi-level governance contributing to the initiative’s success. By promoting a holistic view of heritage as a catalyst for urban vibrancy and economic growth, the network demonstrated the power of heritage-driven initiatives in revitalizing mid-sized European towns. Addressing key themes such as urban lighting, adaptive reuse of built heritage, and managing vacant spaces, the KAIRÓS Network exemplified how embracing heritage as a living memory can shape contemporary cities and foster sustainable development.

The KAIRÓS Network’s journey serves as a beacon of inspiration for cities seeking to harness their heritage assets for economic, social, and cultural revitalization, offering a roadmap for sustainable urban development rooted in the preservation and valorisation of historical legacies.

Green Transition, Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility
European Union, Urbact: driving change for better cities project
Miguel Rivas
Funding, Cultural Heritage, Sustainable Urban Development, Peer Learning, local actions, Planning, Action Plan, Stakeholder Engagement, Adaptive Reuse, Economic Growth, Valorisation
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