Loi du 13 juillet 1961 portant approbation de la Convention pour la protection des biens culturels en cas de conflit armé, signée à La Haye, le 14 mai 1954

This legislation aims to protect cultural heritage during armed conflicts by defining cultural property and outlining measures for its safeguarding. It establishes the criteria for identifying cultural assets, including monuments, artworks, manuscripts, and collections, regardless of ownership. The document emphasises the importance of preparing for the protection of cultural property in times of peace to mitigate potential damage during wartime.

Furthermore, the legislation highlights the need for special protection for cultural property through international registration. It addresses the procedures for requesting the removal of cultural assets from the protection list and the implications of confirmed opposition. The document also stresses the role of international cooperation in ensuring the preservation of cultural heritage and encourages states to collaborate on heritage protection initiatives.

Moreover, the legislation underscores the significance of disseminating information about cultural property protection to the general population, especially to armed forces and personnel involved in safeguarding heritage sites. It emphasises the role of the international community in supporting states in implementing the provisions of the convention and encourages the exchange of best practices in heritage preservation. Overall, this legislation serves as a crucial framework for safeguarding cultural heritage and promoting international cooperation in protecting valuable cultural assets from the ravages of armed conflicts.

Heritage Preservation, International Cultural Relations
Gouvernement du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg
Hague Convention, Cultural Heritage, Heritage Protection, Protection, Armed conflict, Cultural Property, cultural assets, Heritage Assets, War, Wartime, Risk Mitigation, International registration, Cooperation, International Cooperation, Global cooperation, Best Practices
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