Loi du 12 mars 2011 portant approbation de la Convention-cadre du Conseil de l’Europe sur la valeur du patrimoine culturel pour la société, faite à Faro, le 27 octobre 2005

This legislation emphasises the significance of cultural heritage in society and its impact on human development. It highlights the responsibility of individuals and communities towards preserving and promoting cultural heritage. The document stresses the need for shared responsibility and public participation in heritage conservation efforts.

Furthermore, the legislation outlines the objectives of the Convention, focusing on the right to cultural heritage participation and the promotion of a balanced approach to cultural diversity. It encourages the integration of cultural heritage into various aspects of life, including economic, social, and political development. The document also underscores the importance of ethical considerations and diverse interpretations in presenting cultural heritage.

Moreover, the legislation addresses the sustainable use of cultural heritage, promoting respect for its integrity and intrinsic values in decision-making processes. It calls for the development of legal, financial, and professional frameworks to facilitate collaborative actions among public authorities, experts, and stakeholders. Additionally, the document advocates for innovative cooperation practices and voluntary initiatives to complement public efforts in heritage preservation.

Overall, this legislation serves as a comprehensive framework for enhancing the value of cultural heritage in society, fostering dialogue, and promoting responsible stewardship of heritage resources. It underscores the importance of cultural heritage in shaping identities, fostering social cohesion, and enriching the quality of life for present and future generations.

Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility, International Cultural Relations
Gouvernement du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg
Council of Europe, Cultural Heritage, Social Development, Shared responsibilities, Community engagement, community involvement, Community Participation, Heritage Conservation, Conservation, cultural diversity, Cooperation, International Cooperation
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