Loi du 8 avril 2005 portant approbation de la Charte européenne des langues régionales ou minoritaires, faite à Strasbourg, le 5 novembre 1992

The legislation discussed in the attached text focuses on the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages, aiming to promote and protect linguistic diversity and cultural heritage within member states of the Council of Europe. It emphasises the importance of supporting regional or minority languages in various aspects of society, including education, media, and public administration. The document highlights the rights of individuals to use and learn these languages, ensuring their preservation and development.

One key theme of the legislation is the encouragement of initiatives and expressions in regional or minority languages, as well as facilitating access to works produced in these languages. It underscores the significance of maintaining linguistic diversity while respecting the rights of individuals to use their preferred languages. The legislation also addresses the role of authorities in promoting and supporting the use of regional or minority languages in administrative and public services.

Furthermore, the document outlines obligations for authorities to enable the submission of documents in regional or minority languages, provide administrative forms and texts in these languages, and allow the use of these languages in local and regional administration. By emphasising the importance of linguistic rights and cultural expression, the legislation contributes to the preservation and promotion of heritage associated with regional or minority languages. Overall, the legislation serves as a framework for safeguarding linguistic diversity and cultural heritage within the European context.

Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility, International Cultural Relations
Gouvernement du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg
European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages, Council of Europe, Linguistic diversity, Linguistic heritage, Linguistics, Cultural Heritage, Minorities, Heritage Preservation, Culture Preservation, Cultural Heritage Preservation, Preservation, Rights of individuals, Rights, Regional
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