Loi du 7 décembre 2016 portant approbation de la Convention européenne pour la protection du patrimoine archéologique ouverte à la signature le 16 janvier 1992 à la Valette

This legislation focuses on the protection of archaeological heritage within the European context. It emphasises the importance of safeguarding archaeological sites, structures, and artefacts as sources of collective memory and historical study. The document outlines measures for the physical protection, conservation, and maintenance of archaeological heritage, including the establishment of reserve zones and appropriate storage facilities for artefacts.

Furthermore, the legislation highlights the need for international cooperation in heritage conservation. It encourages the exchange of expertise and experiences among European countries to reduce risks of degradation and promote conservation efforts. The document stresses the responsibility of all European nations in preserving archaeological heritage to ensure its cultural and scientific value is maintained for future generations.

Moreover, the legislation addresses the prevention of illicit circulation of archaeological artefacts through education, information sharing, and vigilance. It underscores the importance of public awareness and engagement in understanding the significance of archaeological heritage and the threats it faces. By promoting public access to archaeological sites while preserving their scientific integrity, the legislation aims to strike a balance between heritage conservation and public enjoyment.

In conclusion, this legislation serves as a crucial framework for protecting and promoting the archaeological heritage of European nations. It sets out guidelines for identifying, protecting, and conserving archaeological sites and artefacts, emphasising the shared responsibility of all parties involved in heritage preservation. The document’s provisions aim to ensure the sustainable management and appreciation of archaeological heritage for present and future generations.

Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility
Gouvernement du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg
Archaelogical Heritage, Archaeology, Archaeological Site, Artefacts, Conservation, Heritage Conservation, Maintenance, Heritage Management, Risk Management, Illicit Trafficking, Public access, Heritage values, Cultural values, Heritage Preservation, Preservation
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